Who’s Who in Tourism?
Who’s Who in Tourism?

Who’s Who in Tourism?

Your guide to the organisations and agencies involved in tourism.

National Tourism Organisation

Tourism Australia

Tourism Australia is the federal government agency responsible for attracting international visitors to Australia, both for leisure and business events. The agency is active in a range of key markets and their activities include advertising, PR and media programs, trade shows and industry programs, consumer promotions, online communications and consumer research.

How they help

  • Providing the latest industry statistics
  • Implement marketing campaigns businesses can leverage off
  • keeping you informed of industry news and updates

State Tourism Organisation

Tourism Western Australia

As the State Tourism Organisation, Tourism Western Australia’s role is to promote WA as an incredible holiday and business event destination. They are a destination marketing organisation active in a number of international markets. Their primary focus is both international and domestic markets and they work actively with the travel trade, key distribution partners, airlines, media and other non-traditional partners to keep Western Australia front of mind.

They also work closely with government agencies (local, state and federal) and other industry bodies to achieve positive outcomes for tourism. As a state government body, they fund agencies that carry out work on the State’s behalf, such as the five Regional Tourism Organisations, Business Events Perth, the WA Visitor Centre, the WA Indigenous Tourism Operators Council and Tourism Council WA.

Regional Tourism Organisation

Australia’s South West

Western Australia is divided into five tourism regions, each with its own Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO). Besides Australia’s South West, the other RTOs are Destination Perth, Australia’s Coral Coast, Australia’s Golden Outback and Australia’s North West.

Australia’s South West is the peak tourism body for the South West region of Western Australia. Our role is to enable visitor economy development at local level by engaging people culturally and emotionally through domestic and international marketing strategies and by supporting and driving Australia’s South West region’s tourism industry.

The RTOs deliver region-focused intrastate campaigns and support Tourism WA’s interstate and international marketing.

How we help

  • Provide marketing opportunities to encourage direct bookings
  • Keep members up to date with industry news
  • Provide industry and destination development
  • Facilitate trade coaching and representation

Local Tourism Organisations

Local Tourism Organisations (LTOs) are usually membership based bodies responsible for promoting their local area and its members, for example, the Margaret River Busselton Tourism Association, Visit Bunbury Geographe and Great Southern Treasures. They also play an important role in tourism initiatives such as the development of events, attractions and experiences, and inform tourism development and policy planning.

How they help

  • Liaise with regional and state tourism authorities on behalf of business
  • Provide opportunities to get involved in marketing campaigns
  • Provide advice and support

Local Government Authority

Local governments often see an economic benefit in supporting tourism and many work closely with RTOs and LTOs to develop the industry within their region and the visitor experience on the ground.

They also directly manage or are closely involved with key tourism assets, such as visitor centres, caravan parks and reserves.

How they help

  • Interface with local businesses in small towns
  • Develop and deliver infrastructure projects that support tourism

Visitor Centres

Visitor Centres provide tourism information to visitors to encourage them to stay longer, spend more money, experience more attractions and revisit a region.

How they help

  • Can promote your produce directly to visitors
  • Sell tourism products

To learn how we can help you navigate the tourism industry, find out about becoming a member of Australia’s South West.