Australia's South West

We are industry led, with a strong voice for tourism in the South West.

Australia’s South West (ASW) is the peak tourism body for the South West region of Western Australia. The region stretches from Bunbury Geographe to the Great Southern, including the regions of Margaret River and Southern Forests and Valleys.

Our key roles are to stimulate visitation to the South West region and support our members. We are a not-for-profit organisation, funded by a combination of membership fees and support from Tourism WA and local government. Members make up the board of ASW and therefore have an active role in setting the strategy for the region.

Become a member today

We support and drive our region’s tourism industry with engagement, development, training, education and product development.


Welcome to Australia’s South West –  where tourism businesses and industry can stay current on news and events, the latest in trends and research insights, and find information, support and inspiration.

Taste Great Southern Set To Return In 2025 Under New Regional Custodianship by Australia’s South West

The Great Southern’s food and wine festival, Taste Great Southern, is set to...

Australia’s South West Unveils New Brand For the Region: ‘Dream Deeper’

Australia’s South West, the Regional Tourism Organisation representing the area from Bunbury to...

Great Southern Treasures Bloom Festival

Where the wildflowers are.