Australia’s South West Wellness Tourism Strategy

Wellness Tourism Strategy

Australia’s South West Wellness Tourism Strategy

Wellness tourism and travel has been growing in popularity over recent years, and the impacts of COVID-19 have only increased its popularity further. 

Wellness holidays or travelling to rejuvenate are travel motivators that also provide economic returns for the destination of choice. Encompassing several disciplines and the ability to develop wellness tourism specific infrastructure and events, the benefits are wide ranging and customisable to the characteristics of each destination. 

Wellness tourism was identified as a product development opportunity during the development of the ASW Tourism Destination Management Plan (TDMP) which  prioritises the demand, supply and capability needs for the region over the next 10 years.  

As a destination already offering a diverse range of wellness activities, including nature experiences, hospitality with a link to local produce, wellness based accommodations, activities and experiences, the ASW region has significant opportunity to capitalise on the growing trend of wellness tourism to attract high yielding travellers. 

The benefits of wellness tourism for the region include:

  • Attracting a High Yield Traveller (HYT) improving economic impact of tourism in the region;
  • Enhancement of local health and wellness infrastructure;
  • Protection of the natural environment that nurtures visitors and local communities;
  • A strong and positive brand image for the region; and
  • Opportunities to exchange local culture with our visitors.

Australia’s South West Wellness Tourism Strategy is supported by Tourism WA and was undertaken by Australia’s South West in conjunction with Destination Wellbeing and Concept 2 Strategy 

An Industry Toolkit has been developed as a practical guide to help wellness and tourism businesses understand wellness tourism and the actions they can take over time to attract wellness travellers. The ASW Wellness Tourism Toolkit has been developed by Australia’s South West Regional Tourism Organisation (ASW RTO), in partnership with Tourism WA.

 If you would like to know more about the strategy, please contact Emma Brown – Tourism Engagement Manager – [email protected] or Lisa Spencer at Destination Wellbeing –  [email protected]